Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Art on Japanese Art History Essay Example for Free

Art on Japanese Art History Essay How can the artistic medium one chooses to use to express oneself determine whether or not it is truly art? While digital artists’ artistic ability is often questioned and the credit is given to the computer being used, the art itself springs from the mind of the digital artist. I can say this with personal fervor: Digital art is truly in essence a form of art that merely takes advantage of the innovations of modern technology. Digital Art isn’t computer-generated. While it might involve using tools offered by specialized computer programs a computer doesn’t do the thinking for you, and the creative ideas put forth are of the artist’s mind. Digital artist’s only use computer tools to convey their designs, all of the creative credibility should be given to the artist himself. Should the canvas the Mona Lisa was painted on be considered the creator of the masterpiece or rather Leonardo Da Vinci? Painters that stick to canvas are limiting themselves to the paint they use and the cotton woven fibers of their canvas. Why purposely choose to ignore the modern day tools that are given to you and condescendingly look down upon those who choose to utilize them? Over the years, I have spent a lot of my own time experimenting in the depths of digital art. Many times, I have used the computer as a medium for self expression; from creating to pictures on Microsoft paint as a child to experimenting with specialized software such as Adobe Photoshop. I have a deep and passionate love for creating and expressing myself through artwork on the computer. I one day aspire to have a profession in the field of digital art, such as a Graphic Designer. Because of this, I am very offended by the comments I hear from â€Å"traditional artists† that condescend digital art for its use of the computer as the artistic medium. When I hear comments that degrade digital artwork to computer-generated images, as though the computer itself designed the art I feel enraged and cheated. The other day a friend of mine ignorantly explained to me that she could, given the proper software, create her own masterpiece without any prior experience in digital art, as though anyone if given the proper software could instantaneously create masterpieces, when really there is so much more to digital art than computer software or the computer itself. It’s about one’s individual artistic talents. To me that would be the equivalent of saying that if I were given a canvas and a paintbrush I could instantaneously create a masterpiece, which I know is false and ignorant. Art is â€Å"the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others† (Britannica). Digital art is a general term for a range of artistic works and practices that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative and/or presentation process. There are many different employment fields in digital art. A couple of examples are graphic design and web design. Graphic design is the process and art of combining text and graphics and communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication. Famous Graphic Designer, Milton Glaser, says â€Å"to design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master. † A graphic designer would meet with his/her clients and discuss the type of visual communication the client is interested in. The client may provide a general idea for the design, but the creative options are left for the designer to decide how to best portray the message of the client. The designer would then either sketch out a design to scan on to the computer for further alterations or go directly to the computer software in order to design the desired product. The designer would then verify with the client for satisfaction of the product. Web Design is the art and process of creating a single Web page or entire Web sites and may involve both the aesthetics and the mechanics of a Web site’s operation although primarily it focuses on the look and feel of the Web site the design elements. â€Å"To be effective, the interfaces for online information systems must be as rich and flexible as the physical environments they replace. They must not only supply a direct path to reach the users goals, but must be able to accommodate different approaches to the task. This means that the interface design must not only organize the content for easy access, but must incorporate the right combination of technologies and interaction techniques to allow the user to work in their own style† (Quesenbery). A Web Designer would be sought out by a client in need of assistance in designing a website or website layout, usually for advertising and communicative purposes of the client. Like in Graphic design, the client may provide the designer with a general idea or guideline for the product, however, web designers must understand the dynamics of coding and html. Traditional art is understood to include things such as paintings, sculptures, and hand-drawings; basically any art which involves physical activity, usually of the hands. Famous Traditional Artists include: Leonardo DaVinci, Vincent Van Gough, and Andy Warhol. These artists use drawings and paintings as their forms of self expression which led to their innovative masterpieces: the Mona Lisa, Starry Night, and Pop Art, respectively. Traditional artists often look down upon the usage of the computer as the creative medium utilized when expressing oneself in art. Some believe that using a computer negates the creative ability of the artist and is the less credible form of art. Using computers in order to create art is sometimes seen as the easier method involving little artistic ability. â€Å"For artists diving into a new technology, it is a triple short-cut to mastery: you get a free ride on the novelty of the medium; there are no previous masters to surpass; and after a few weeks, you are the master† (Brand). There is a certain type of beauty in a hand-painted piece of art. The same is true for a masterfully drawn illustration. For this there is no substitute. Traditional art is the oldest form of art and could be considered the foundation of art. Many people consider this form of art to require the highest level of skill and creative ability, and that there is no other type of art form that can surpass it. There are a large number of people that believe this form of art is most vital, and that digital art simply shouldn’t be considered art due to the use of technology rather than their hands. Opponents of digital art argue that there is no skill in â€Å"pointing and clicking† on a computer screen. â€Å"I would rather choose the painting of a monkey over anything generated electronically, because I am more fascinated by the direct evidence of a mind at work than I am by the output of machines† (Glenn). Because of this belief, there is a good bit of animosity between the two different sects. Traditional artists feel as if they are protecting art in its truest form, whereas digital artists feel as if they are exposing the world to a newer and more advanced form of art infinitely full of possibilities. While traditional art is the older and more revered art form, that doesn’t mean that digital art is any less of an art. Both art forms require talent, precision, technique, and creativity from the artist. Digital artists are just as legitimate of artists as traditional artists. It is simply ignorant and petty to distinguish digital art as separate from true art in essence. Yes, computers are used as the medium for expression, however, like previously stated, that doesn’t mean that the computer creates the ideas and designs. The designs and creativity come from the artist and the computer is simply another way to release the idea from the artist’s mind, similar to a piece of paper or canvas. Digital art should be just as revered as traditional art because the amount of creativity and artistic ability is equal in both forms.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Active Intellect In Aristotle, :: essays research papers

All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight†. This is the foundation of human knowledge Aristotle presents us with in Book Alpha of the Metaphysics. The next question which we must naturally ask ourselves is, How? How is it that we can have any knowledge at all? We by our very nature desire to know and we love the senses in themselves but what is the relationship between the two and by what faculty are we able to call anything knowledge once sense perception has occurred?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aristotle sets up as his faculty for knowledge both the active and the passive intellects. We begin to have knowledge through sense experience. We cannot know without sense experienceand it is from sense experience that all knowledge is therefore generated. Knowledge for Aristotle is a knowledge of universals, that is, a knowledge of Essences. Thought is thus the faculty by which we come to comprehend universals. And since material objects are a composite unity of essence and existence, it naturally follows that we grasp the universal through our encounter with the particular. What follows is a series of events which leads to knowledge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The passive intellect receives the image from the sense data and it is stamped upon the passive intellect from the material impression. From this stamp the active intellect is to draw out of it and somehow make a universal concept from this particular experience. But there is something more at work here. There is something in the mind ( more specifically in the soul) that somehow comprehends and makes universals intelligible. Various theories have been postulated concerning this but we shall concentrate on Aristotle and leave the other philosophies for now.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is at work in man is a divine reason immanent in man’s soul. Somehow man is connected to and shares in divine reason. A distinction must be made here. We are not saying that the human soul’s capacity to grasp universals is in some way a maker or shares in the pure act of God, but that without this divine reason at work in the souls of men no understanding of universals could take place at all. The mind works on the material given to it, that is it’s potential, and from this material it moves to actuality.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Decaying of Ideology in Modern China

Although Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Though (MLM) still serves as the ideology which the People’s Republic of China (PRC) adhere to, these socialist doctrines no longer serve inspirational purposes to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and are viewed as an â€Å"ideological vacuum. † China’s attempt to establish a rapid growing economy to support the authority of the Communist regime has contradicted the Communist ideology and has thus created a reverse effect. It is certain that Chinese citizens have grown increasingly apolitical in the current era due to the exposure to market economy and Western influences. This new environment prompts the public to adopt individualism and neglect Communist ideologies such as collectivism. As Deng Xiao Ping and many other scholars blamed the ineffective political education as the major cause of this phenomenon, the assertion remains debatable. CCP now faces a challenge where it has to redefine its political ideology while fitting the socialist regime in the context of â€Å"socialist commodity economy. † The CCP’s attempt to reconcile its capitalist practices with socialist ideal results a dilemma. As uncertainties lay in the future of the Chinese political environment, this paper evaluates the failure of The Communist Party’s normative authority, and distinguishes possible alternatives and solutions. One of the main reasons for the failure of the propaganda scheme is that the value which the Party tries to promote grossly contrasted with the actual social condition. While the Party urges the public to embrace the idea of â€Å"collectivism,† and â€Å"serving the people,† it fails to justify how socialist morality is compatible with market competition. Jurgen Habermans has labeled this dilemma as ‘rationality crisis,’ caused by the disjunction between current practices and the original ideological tenets upon which the regime was founded. † Although CCP recognizes the need for combating moral disorder and launched the â€Å"socialist spiritual civilization† (SSC) campaign in 1997, the accomplishment is diminutive. It is obvious that political education in China is heavily emphasized, where political elements are incorporated in every curriculum, from kindergarten to university. However, the program is ineffective since these principles are not applicable in the social environment. As a result, students see no purpose in these materials except to know them well so they could obtain a decent academic record and remain competitive in the job market. Furthermore, â€Å"even party functionaries no longer take ideological work seriously, and few are interested in this specialty as a career. † The character of legitimation crisis has also surfaced besides the presence of rationality crisis. Legitimation crisis is â€Å"a discrepancy between the need for motives declared by the state and the motivation supplied by socio-cultural system. † As â€Å"harmonious society† (hexie shehui) and scientific development† continues to serve as current watchwords for CCP, they appears to be oxymoronic. The concept of harmonious society is drawn upon Confucius values, whereas the concept of scientific development aroused mainly from Deng Xiao Ping Theory, which is an emphasis on economic stability. The rationality and legitimation crisis which CCP now encounters â€Å"can be explained in terms of the antinomy between rationality and reasonableness, or between scientism and moralism. This antinomy seems to be the most visible obstacle and the most controversial policy of Chinese education. † Another critical argument for CCP’s decaying normative authority is the corruption of government officials and therefore creating a devastating effect on the Party’s goal on rebuilding moral order. Since the 16th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, more than 100 minster- and provincial-level officials were sentenced for corruption, an unprecedented number, according to statistics released by the Supreme Procuratorate. In 2005, 47,206 officials were disciplined-punished by Chinese supervision agencies. † Consequently, the uncontrollable widespread of corruption among government officials brings public to think that education system is hypocritical and therefore, unpersuasive. In a survey conducted in the state enterprises of Shenyang, one of China’s largest industrial cities, 71% of respondents agreed that moral education should be directed primarily at the high- and middle- ranking cadres rather than at ordinary people. † In order to overhaul the Communist Ideology, the Party implemented inspirational projects incorporating patriotic education and Confucianism. China’s patriotic education was design for two purposes. One is to combat Western influences and second is to achieve â€Å"unified thinking† (tongyi sixiang). To a certain extent, the program was successful, particularly in â€Å"unified thinking. † Although the Party is unable to eliminate all Western influences and the exchange of information, the general public has increasingly learnt to praises and adapt to traditional Chinese culture. The party has utilized Confucianism value by describing â€Å"Confucianism as a positive force that could consolidate the Chinese nation and foster socialist spiritual civilization. † Accordingly, most of the Chinese families today follow Confucian’s teachings and the value of Confucianism is already deeply rooted in the society. Through the post-1989 Patriotic Education, the regimen has provided China’s new generations with nationalists. In China’s education system, children are taught â€Å"that China’s misery was imposed by Western countries,† and acknowledged themselves as nationalists and â€Å"bound to become fenqing. † Furthermore, although young generations are no longer interested in the concept of ideology, CCP has little problems finding new members as we can see that during â€Å"the last five years, three-quarters of those who flocked to join were under thirty-five. This is not only a result of patriotism but also joining the Party could provide opportunities and benefits. On the other hand, the increasing population of nationalist does not imply legitimating the government’s policy and authorities. â€Å"By placing the party and the center of the official discourse the state-centered view of nationalism restricts the extent to which the Party-state can mobilize nationalist symbolism in support of its leadership and make the Party vulnerable to criticism from more popular conceptions of nationalism. June 4th crackdown and the emergence of Chinese liberalism are the result of nationalism. Besides from implementing propaganda program to strengthen Communist Ideology, new ideas have also formed in the Chinese political platform. Ideas such as â€Å"new left,† â€Å"new conservative†or evenâ€Å"liberalism† are introduced. The New Leftism is in opposition to capitalism and Chinese economic reforms and in favor of the restoration of the Maoist-style socialism. â€Å"New leftists† appeal to social injustice like corruption and the interest of low class people became particular popular in 2009. Furthermore, it addresses the problem of the disparity between rich and poor. The New leftists â€Å"guarantee the welfare of the country’s 800 million peasants left behind the recent change. † Alternatively, if China is to take on the advice of the New Leftist, it would create an enormous wave of withdraws in the form of foreign investments due to the economic uncertainty, which would inevitably destroy China’s new emerging market. And the collapse of the Chinese economy would make it impossible for the Party to provide welfare for the poor. In that sense, the New Left ideas do not generate common interest between the public and the Party’s ideology. On the contrary, the â€Å"New Conservatives†, or Neo-Conservatives, â€Å"holds that modernization is a gradual process (incrementalism), and that, during this process, traditional values, the existing order and an authoritarian government are necessary to maintain social stability and ensure a successful social transformation. † It also distinguishes itself from traditional conservatism by accentuating modern transformation and accelerates economic development. The Neo-Conservatives tries to develop â€Å"a model characterized by economic growth under an authoritarian political order. † This hybrid Ideology that retained Marxism-Leninism ideals and Deng’s goal to achieve modernization â€Å"enabled Jiang to legitimize the Party and ensure its survival. † Consequently, Jiang has balanced centralism (elements of the â€Å"Mao Era†) and capitalistic-orientated economic policies (which are elements of the â€Å"Deng Era†) and achieve new census. Besides from the ideas that were discussed above, â€Å"liberalism† is another concept which has derived from the June 4th incident of 1989. The collapse of Communism in the former Soviet Union and eastern Europe provided an opportunity for Chinese liberals to deeply reflect on the illusion of ‘socialist democracy. ’† The Chinese liberals advocate the abandon of one Party rule and call for multi-party elections to increase competition and limiting the power of the government. â€Å"Despite hard suppression of democracy and liberal ideas by the Chinese party-state, and partly due to this suppression, liberalism and the quest for human rights have been on the rise and achieved a level of sophistication in China since the late 1990s. Even though the idea of liberalism is not irrelevant to China’s political future, the system would be impossible to impose under a peaceful transition. Ultimately, China would have to construct a new political stance that ensures government power but also provide economic prosperity. China would have to undergo gradual transition from Communism to Authoritarian Capitalism, for instance the People’s Action Party (PAP) in Singapore. Under such political system, there is a large degree of economic freedom but tight control in terms of social freedom. Although there are negative comments on Singapore’s authoritarian capitalism, such as ones that were made by Christopher Lingle, his arguments are debatable. He claimed that â€Å"Singapore’s authoritarian rule has led to the ‘politicization of commerce,’ the distribution of economic and commercial privileges to trusted political supporters, stifling the emergence of home-grown entrepreneurs. † On the other hand, statistics has proven him wrong. Singapore is the second most economically free country according to 2011 Index of Economic Freedom. Furthermore, its government spending in terms of GDP is among the lowest in the world (14. 5%), according to information from The World Factbook. And as we can see, the Chinese government is actually taking such transition, and characters of capitalism can be found in increasingly free trade. Several universities claimed â€Å"that great powers like China and Russian, with authoritarian state capitalist regimes could pose a viable rival model. †

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Substance Abuse in America - 1916 Words

In and around most large cities in America, the rising substance abuse epidemic has brought about a renewed interested in determining the root cause of substance abuse, the effects of substance abuse on individuals and societies, and the substance abuse treatment modalities that achieve the best outcomes. In reviewing the current research on substance abuse there seems to be no one clear cause of substance abuse disorders, although there is strong evidence that a number of life circumstances may predispose an individual to a substance abuse disorder, as well as a number of protective factors that may reduce an individual’s risk of developing a substance abuse disorder. One important risk factor that is commonly associated with substance†¦show more content†¦There are many reasons, in America, that these perceptions about the poor continue to exist, however, researcher have little ability to gather valid data on poverty and its direct relationship to drug abuse. Many sociological studies fail to provide an accurate picture of substance abuse in a society for a number of reasons. In treatment or survey interviews, substance abusing individuals frequently misrepresent or misreport their frequency of use. Those living in poverty are often more transient in their housing than those of middle and upper classes and may, therefore, be excluded from many types of household surveys. Often, statistical information is gathered from treatment facilities; however facilities do not all report into a national database and a large number of addicts never seek services. One final problem with the validity of studies involving substance abuse and poverty is the isolation, in many studies, of one or more drugs. Many researchers have focused on drugs, such as crack-cocaine or heroin and not marijuana or powder cocaine (Jacobson and Ensminger, 2011). While it is difficult to obtain valid data on the actual rate and incidence of substance abuse in poverty r idden communities, researchers have been able to isolate some negative effects of substance abuse and correlate them to socio-economic status. Many studies regardingShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse In America Case Study780 Words   |  4 PagesSubstance abuse in America has gone to lengths such as reaching the rural Appalachian culture in West Virginia. Despite the Nationwide crisis and epidemic of 23 million individuals using, misusing and abusing substances West Virginia is currently unable to say that they are safe and that they have not been affected by this epidemic (Carpenter, Mcclellan, Rees, 2016). All types of drugs ranging from medication prescribed substances to street drugs have been reported in just about all areas ofRead MoreEssay about Drugs and Substance Abuse in America658 Words   |  3 PagesCHILD out of seven would have an alcohol or drug addiction. 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