Wednesday, November 27, 2019
who knows Essay Example For Students
who knows Essay What the hell isMany things can destroy a man, but only three things that can destroy a real man, greed, paranoia and love. I have no idea why I just wrote that last quote, I just thought it would be nice to start my book with something that sounds halfway smart. Anyway, my name is Ammar Barakat, born on the sixth of July 1980. I am not famous, gifted, smart, good-looking or powerful, as a matter of fact, I am not special in anyway. Nevertheless I have decided to write this book to tell my story to the world (hopefully), because believe it or not, I think I have lead an interesting and unique life. Before I go any further I guess I should start telling u about my first few years of life, or what I can remember from it. We will write a custom essay on who knows specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now My first memory was when I was three years old; I remember it was me, my brother and my parents sitting in the car and stopping at a mini-market to pick up some chips on our way to the swimming pool. I have no idea why this memory is plastered in my head because there was nothing special about that day; we used to always stop at the mini-market with my brother and parents to pick up some chips on our way to the swimming pool. Although I was born in Syria, I spent the first four years of my life in the United Arab Emirates. My father had a good job, and we lived in a nice house and had a normal life, actually it was ironic since me and my family seemed to be living the American dream in an Arabic country. Since I dont remember much of the UAE days I cant tell u much about it, all could tell u is that any parent would wish to raise their children in the environment that I was raised in. My father went to work, my mother took care of me and my brother, and all me and my brother had to w orry about was the amount of French- fries we were going to eat at the swimming pool that day. Then, everything changed. The day that I have always feared has come, it was my brothers first day of school. Dont get me wrong, me and Tareq were never the best of friends, and I wasnt upset that he was leaving me, oh no, I was jealous of him. He was going to go off to meet new people and form new bonds while I sit at home and shit in my pants, which I often did when I was young. Before he started going to school it was just me, Tareq and the neighbors daughter whom we often played doctor with. What sucked even more was that the neighbors daughter was my brothers age and she was going to start school the same time as Tareq, so u can understand how a three-year-old boy like me would feel abandoned. Now that I look back at it, I can finally understand where my love of being alone comes from; I had so much time to my self that I actually fell in love with it. My parents told me that when I was at that age and the whole family would be talking a road trip, my brother would be the annoyi ng fucker that always sticks his head between the driver and passenger seats and annoy the shit out of them. While I on the other hand would sit quietly in the back spacing-out without making one sound the entire trip. They joked that they would have to always call my name until they get a reaction from me to see if Im still alive. .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe , .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe .postImageUrl , .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe , .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe:hover , .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe:visited , .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe:active { border:0!important; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe:active , .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uac75e45d7dd3a1302ae45723d002bffe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Architecture Emperor Topsoil EssayThat was true even as I got older, I remember when my father would have one of his famous Lets pack our shit and drive somewhere really far fits, I always sat quietly and listened to my walkman for hours. I dont remember what I used to space out about, but Im sure it must have been very interesting. I always used my hours alone thinking about important stuff, and strangely these hours alone
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Chinese Government essays
Chinese Government essays China is one of the largest countires in the world and the most populated. China is a communist country that holds many different beliefs and values then our own free country, the United States of America. This communist country is very restricted and government controlled. The United States focuses more on people control. Here we have choices, we vote and we have many freedoms. Our leaders are not intent on hiding everything from us. This is not to say that we have completely honest leaders, but in years past, I believe this to be shown more predominant. In the past the American government has not always been completely open with the general population, but it has never been as restricting as other countries in the world, including China. Recent years show more of an open government in the United States, especially with President Bill Clinton. Being a part of the trial for impeachment of Bill Clinton opened America up to see that our government is comprised of people too. It also showed us that they make mistakes and are not hiding behind their power to keep it a secret from the general population. More and more, the government is being open with the general public about terrorism and going to war. Since media became a big deal, it seems that we can know just about anything we need to know about our government. In contrast to this, China keeps many aspects of its government hidden from the general population. People in China do not have the same kind of inside information that we get from our media. Most people do not have access to the internet, and those who do, may not have full access. China has forever tried to shield their people from the idea of democracy and general human rights offered in many other countires, like the United States of America. Many of the policies implimented in China would never be accepted in the United States. Americans value their free choice too much to follow any laws compromising...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Culture and religions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Culture and religions - Essay Example Pesently, there are at least 5000 indigenous groups in the world. Their indigenous religion and culture has faded away with the spread of the non-indigenous religions and cultures. The modern civilization has also made it difficult for them to practice the indigenous religion because their rights to practice it are subjugated by the dominant modern people (Scheiner, 1992). The importance of interrelatedness of everything in the cosmos developed from the similarity of experiences of the indigenous people dwelling in different parts of the world. Such experiences included but were not limited to feelings of pain and pleasure, instances of birth and death, and indigenous peopleââ¬â¢s wonderment regarding the cosmos as well as the place they had in it. In addition to that, the indigenous people also interacted with one another through trade and traveling. These factors allowed the exchange of beliefs and cultures and played the role of catalyst in the interrelatedness of everything in the cosmos. The spiritual purpose that they serve for the indigenous people is that they inculcate unity and harmony among them and enable them to interact with one another in spite of the indigenous religious and cultural differences because these factors make them feel that they are not alone and that they can help others and attain help from them in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Consumer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example term associated with a male individual who have a strong concern for his appearance, and spent time, money and attention to aesthetic details of his exterior. Such men always concerned about their appearances and will wear nice dresses and will adopt new trends in fashion in their life styles. Quiet often people misinterpret a person with metrosexual attributes as a gay guy; but in reality they have no relationship with such people. Consumerism is a culture spreading all over the world which deals with the relationship between personal happiness and purchasing material and its consumption. Consumer industry, especially the cosmetic industry is changing because of the evolution of metrosexuality. As per the earlier trends, men were least concerned about fashion and their appearances compared to women and the cosmetic industry focussed mainly on the female community earlier. But the changing trends among menââ¬â¢s fashion concepts forced the consumer industry to concentrate in menââ¬â¢s fashion segment also. The active participation of men along with women in the consumer market is a blessing for consumer industry. Menââ¬â¢s Calm Balm (A soothing balm for use after shaving or weather exposure), Menââ¬â¢s No shine (Daily moisturizer for oily to normal skin), Mens Revive Survive (For use throughout the day to revive the complexion), Menââ¬â¢s Scrub Up De Tox (Facial scrub for daily use), Menââ¬â¢s Morning Glory (Daily moisturizer for normal to dry skin) are some of the Doveââ¬â¢s famous skin care products for men. (Professional Skincare Products)à à New Pro-age, Energy Glow, Sensitive Skin, Deep Moisture, Dove go fresh are some of the doveââ¬â¢s skin care products for women. (Dove ââ¬âface care) Menââ¬â¢s Calm Balm is a very good product for men, which contains the healing properties of essential oils tea tree and lemon. It can sooth and heal skin irritation. It has rejuvenating properties of anti oxidant algae mineral nutrients. Moreover, it can protect the skin from UV radiations
Sunday, November 17, 2019
EMBA 560 Executive position week 4 discussion 4 Essay
EMBA 560 Executive position week 4 discussion 4 - Essay Example It brings to mind the famous words of Alfred Lord Tennyson: ââ¬Å"Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to do and die.â⬠The poem ââ¬Å"The Charge of the Light Brigadeâ⬠is full of brio and bluster, but all the same the 600 soldiers it described all charged to their death without knowing why. Had their leaders explained why they had to make the charge, then the soldiers would have known that ââ¬Å"someone had blunderââ¬â¢dâ⬠and probably would have declined to charge. Many executives avoid having to explain the ââ¬Å"whyâ⬠because it invites dialogue and discussion, it engages the followers to scrutinize the rationale of the action plan and to offer their own opinions, questions, and suggestions. It brings the followers to the level of the executive even for but the duration of the questionââ¬â¢s consideration. Reasoning brings people to the common level that logic imposes on people. When a person explains why, he/she lays before his audience the thought process that led him/her to the action plan. The thought process is therefore laid bare to the audience for their consideration ââ¬â and judgment. The judgment may be favorable, and it may be not. In case it is not, at least to some people, then the natural human behavior would be to ask questions which the person doing the explanation. If that person was in a position of leadership, and he could not defend his logic from the questions, then it reflects on his followersââ¬â¢ perception of him as a leader. 2.A link to the Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream Speech" can be found in the webliography.à The full speech is only 17 minutes long and well worth your time.à There are valuable lessons for executives in the structure and delivery of the talk.à Listen to and analyze the speech.à What makes this talk so inspiring? The speech itself is full of imagery, metaphors, and descriptive adjectives. An example of a metaphor is the likening of the Declaration of Independence as a check or promissory note, and continued discrimination to the default of the check. It also makes use of repeated phrases ââ¬Å"Go back to ââ¬âââ¬Å" , ââ¬Å"I have a dream-ââ¬Å", and ââ¬Å"Let freedom ring ââ¬âââ¬Å" mentioned repeatedly draws emphasis to specific points and images. The speech was effective in creating a sense of urgency (ââ¬Å"Nowâ⬠), and drawing emphasis on the immediacy of a full and impartial resolution. Structurally, the speech is effective because it first makes the case for the legitimacy of the colored peopleââ¬â¢s plea for equality, calling upon the promise of the Declaration of Independence declaring all men equal. Then while it praises the new militancy of the colored people, it also cautions against violence and distrust against white people and points out that freedom and equality for the blacks is necessarily linked to the enjoyment of freedom of the whites. After that, Dr. King creates a visio n of blacks and whites living harmoniously together as equals ââ¬â his famous ââ¬Å"I have a dreamâ⬠series of proclamations. He quotes profusely from popular patriotic songs (ââ¬Å"My country tis of theeâ⬠) and finally, he ends with a well-known Negro spiritual and makes it the high point of the entire speech. In the manner of delivery, Dr. King makes well-placed pauses, and in some places runs on from one sentence to the next to maintain momentum. The sentences were longer in the beginning and the imageries delivered with emphasis, and towards the end as momentum was built up the sentences became shorter and more
Friday, November 15, 2019
Does Crime And Violence Affect The Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
Does Crime And Violence Affect The Tourism Industry Tourism Essay This group assignment will discuss the impact of crime and violence on the tourism industry in Jamaica using statistical data such as graphs, charts and figures to support our factual findings. The purpose of this report is to show whether crime and violence will affect Jamaica potential investments in the near future or in the present, also if this factor affects the different sectors of tourism which include entertainment, sports, health, and food amongst others. These facts and statistics are taken from a variety of sites, which include the Gleaner, Statinja and other sites stated in the reference of the report. What is Crime and Violence? There are many definitions for both Crime and Violence. What is crime? Crime is a harmful action, omission or an activity considered to be evil shameful or wrong which is against a person or a country. It is also an illegal act which or can be punished by law. What is Violence? Violence is a behaviour that involves the use of physical force which unlawfully exercised towards property and or persons, situations like these; may cause intentions which may lend to the killing or hurting of someone. What is Tourism? Tourism is an activity which an individual or a group of individuals, that leads to the movement from one place to another within a country, or from one country to another. This happens due to the performing of specific tasks or the awareness that the particular place have to offer like its civilization and culture and also the increase of knowledge about the country and its culture and history. The different types of Crime and Violence When it comes on to Crime and Violence there are many different types because every day there is something new that doesnt falls under the previous types of crime and violence. Lets starts off with the different types of Crime. There are many but just to name a few: Crime against Persons -includes rape, robbery and murder etc. Crime against Property- this is self-explanatory, theft of home without harm such as body burglary larceny and etc. Crime against Morality- may include illegal gambling, illegal use of drugs. White-Collar Crime- committed by people in high social status against people of the same status like embezzling (stealing money from employees) The type of Violence: Physical Violence- is the intention with the use of physical force which in the ended injury, harm, death or even disability may occur. Sexual Violence- takes place without consent or understanding. Psychological/Emotion Violence- may involve trauma of a victim cause by threats of acts. Domestic Violence- is this self-explanatory violence within the home, family or between spouses. Types of Tourism and if Crime and Violence has an Impact on them There are a lot of different types of tourism in Jamaica, just to name a few we have: Eco tourism/ Nature Sports Heritage/ Cultural Adventure Leisure Business The ones that crime and violence will most likely to affect is Adventure tourism and Leisure tourism. Visitors who come here for adventure are more likely to go out on their own without any form of trained tour guide, trying to learn about the country and its history and sometimes fall prey to those out there looking for trouble and trying to cause problem for other people. The ones, who come for leisure, relax and party. Especially when they go out o party they might hook up with people that they dont know, just wanting to have a good time and end up being robbed or taken advantage of or worst. Does Crime and Violence have an Impact on the Tourism Industry? Tourism in Jamaica is seen as the primary foreign exchange industry. This industry has a few negative impacts attached to it, such as theft, murder, scams, harassment amongst others. Since the Norman Manley International Airport is a form of entrance and exit point for visitors and it is located near some of the volatile areas of Kingston such as Bull Bay, Rock fort and others; it puts them at risk for violence to be perpetrated against them. According to the Jamaica 2012 crime and safety report, these are the following set of crime and violence that impact tourism, they include: Theft (robbery -jewellery, money, credit cards etc) Murder Rape/ Sexual Violence Fraud (Lottery scam, credit card fraud) Extortion Kidnapping Harassment (Craft Vendors, Street Sellers or Rent-A-Dreads) The report states that there is no evidentiary support that criminals are targeting U.S. citizens directly, but it further states that skimming which is a type of fraud is becoming popular among the Jamaican employees in restaurants, hotels, resorts and villas. These persons are capturing visitors credit card information and utilizing it for their benefit by stealing money out of the visitors accounts. The report also states that tourists are becoming a target for pick pocketing and petty cash crimes. To support these findings, below is table and graph to illustrate. Table showing crimes reported over the last seven years against U.S. citizens Type of Crimes Reported Amount Murders 7 Rape/ Sexual Assault 12 Aggravated Assault 9 Robbery 37 Kidnapping 1 Domestic Violence 5 Child Abuse 3 Also, the report states that the hotels and resorts employees have brought sexual violence towards the visitors in a number of hotels not named which are located on the north coast. On the other hand lottery scam as become prevalent on the Jamaican north coast (Mobay, Trelawney and Hanover) concerning the U.S. citizens. The criminals set up legitimate companies to defraud these Americans, the criminal element convince these persons to send large amount of money to specific account or fraudulent name here in Jamaica. They do this by telling them that they either won some bogus prize or a all expensive paid trip to Jamaica. This resulted in the closing of Grace remittent service areas which further cause a decrease in remittance in those areas. However these problems are been recognized by the government of Jamaica and they are taken steps to prevent these crimes from happening. These steps include more policing by foot and bicycle patrols in cruise ports and tourist areas, also an upgrade in training on how to deal with these types of crimes. For example the state has taken serious measures to clamp down on the lottery scam on the north coast; there has been numerous arrest and seizures of high end vehicles over the past year. Therefore, all of these factors mentioned above prove that crime has an impact on Jamaicas tourism industry. Facts and figures derived from the Jamaican Constabulary Force about the latest crime figures in Jamaica. J.C.F. latest homicides figures of 2012 January-February Type of Crime Places/Parishes No. of Deaths Murders St. Catherine North (Spanish Town, Bog Walk) 25 St. Catherine South (Portmore, Old Harbour, Central Village) 13 St. James 22 Clarendon 13 St. Andrew South 10 NB: a comparison of murders/ homicide cases for 2011 and 2012 In the period of February 11, 2011 murder cases stood at 114 compared to the same time period for 2012 it has risen to 137. J.C.F statistics show there was 536 murders between January 1 and June 23 of 2012, 32 more than last year. Statistics for the hot spot parishes of Jamaica according to the Gleaner news paper and the Jamaica Constabulary Force Hanover: 22 murders, a 267 per cent increase when compared to last year St. James: with the lottery scam 79 murders, the highest of all 19 divisions Kingston Central: 117 per cent increase when compared to last year St. Andrew North: 76 per cent increase compared to last year Kingston Eastern: 42 per cent increases compared to last year St. Andrew Central: 33 per cent compared to last year Other graphs to show that crime has an impact on the tourism industry in Jamaica Barà chart showingà total number ofà drugà crimesà between1995 to1999 Crimes committed over the Period of 2003 to 2012 in Jamaicas North Coast Area Montego Bay Year Type of Crime 2003 Murder 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Fig 1 Table showing the crime figures from 2003 to 2012 for Montego bay Trelawney Year Type of Crimes 2012 Carnal Abuse Rapes Shooting Robberies Larceny Fig 2 Graph showing crime figures for Trelawney in 2012 St. Ann Year Type of Crimes 2010 Murders Rapes Shooting Larceny Recommendations to Improve Crime and Violence in Jamaica tourism Industry 1. Develop special legislation to address acts of terrorism. 2. The political leadership in the country must recommit to a set of values and a code of conduct consistent with the vision of a safe, peaceful and prosperous Jamaica so that tourist can feel safe. 3. To encourage visitors not to wonder into unknown territories unless they are being accompanied by a tour guide or someone recommended by the hotel or by the JTB. 4. When travelling to other areas in Jamaica it is better to drive or get a shuttle than walk on the road so that they wont be harassed by some of the locals. 5. Since 1956 the tourist industry has been regulated by the Jamaican Tourist Board (JTB) which greeted tourists, provided courtesy police, trained workers to help keep our visitors safe and happy and from being harassed. Most harassment stemmed from frequent peddling of goods to tourists, at times incessantly; this peddling most likely reflected the high unemployment rates. Tourists were also approached to purchase drugs, primarily marijuana, colloquially called ganja.à Conclusion It has been concluded that crime and violence has its tool on tourism. Due to the crime and violence such as scamming, theft etc. But it still hasnt stop visitor from to Jamaica, because at the end day crime and violence happen all over the world but its just up to the government to control the crime rate. Hence the crime and violence will have a lesser impact on tourism.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Schizophrenia :: essays research papers
Positive Symptoms and Negative Symptoms of schizophrenia. Discuss at least two of each and the difference between positive and negative symptoms. Positive symptoms reflect an excess or distortion of normal functioning. Positive symptoms include delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations (false perceptions), and severely disorganized thought processes, speech, and behavior. A delusion is a false belief that persists in spite of compelling contradictory evidence. The delusional person ignores any evidence that contradicts his erroneous beliefs, and often becomes preoccupied with them. Schizophrenic delusions are often so convincing that they can provoke inappropriate or bizarre behavior. Delusional thinking may lead the dangerous behaviors. Hallucinations are false or distorted perceptions that seem vividly real. The content of hallucinations is often tied to the personââ¬â¢s delusional beliefs. The content of hallucinations and delusions may also be influenced by culture and religiosity. Negative symptoms reflect an absence or reduction of normal functions, such as greatly reduced motivation, emotional expressiveness, or spee ch. One commonly seen negative symptom is referred to as flat affect or affective flattening. Regardless of the situation, the person responds in an emotionally ââ¬Å"flatâ⬠way, showing a dramatic reduction in emotional responsiveness and facial expressions. Speech is slow and monotonous, lacking normal vocal inflictions. A closely related negative symptom is alogia, or greatly reduction production of speech. In alogia, verbal responses are limited to brief, empty comments. What neurotransmitter is mentioned as contributing to schizophrenic symptoms? How do drug treatments alter this neurotransmitterââ¬â¢s level? What are some of the problems with these drug treatments? According to the dopamine hypothesis, schizophrenia is related to excessive activity of dopamine in the brain. Antipsychotic drugs, such as Haldol, Throazine, and Stelazine, reduce or block dopamine activity in the brain. These drugs reduce schizophrenic symptoms in many people. Amphetamines and cocaine enhance dopamine activity and can produce schizophrenic-like symptoms in normal adults or increase symptoms in people who already have schizophrenia. Not all schizophrenics experiences a reduction of symptoms in response to the antipsychotic drugs that reduce dopamine activity. The problem with these drugs are that these drugs reduce some but not all schizophrenic symptoms. Discuss one aspect of schizophrenia that you didnââ¬â¢t know about before, or one aspect that you found particularly interesting and why. One aspect of schizophrenia that especially surprised me was not only how many people it effects and how many are at risk, but how much at risk people are these days. Also, that the fault of schizophrenia lies mostly within the male.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Annexation of Hawaii
Not many Americans are familiar with the history behind Hawaii becoming part of the United States. Most people know Hawaii for beautiful beaches, nice weather, and the native cultures. The annexation of Hawaii is an interesting story and was not an easy task to accomplish for the United States. The story of the annexation is a story of conflicting goals as the American businessman struggled to obtain favorable trade conditions and native Hawaiians sought to protect their culture and heritage. In 1891 Hawaii was a monarchy ruled by King Kalakaua and was later ruled by his sister, Queen Liliuokalani.The United States began seeking interest in Hawaii in the early 1820s to expand on agricultural growth. The United States became interested in Hawaiiââ¬â¢s sugar growing agriculture and began trading with Hawaii [1]. America began trading and making deals with Hawaii while King Kalakaua was still ruling. During this time the United States did not charge anything for importing Hawaiian su gar. Also, the United States established a U. S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in the late 1880s. The sugar growing industry is where the annexation of Hawaii started to begin or was the root cause of the annexation.In 1890 Congress approved the McKinley Tariff; this tariff raised the rates on sugar being imported into the United States from foreign countries. The raised rates caused a financial hardship on the sugar farmers of the Hawaiian Islands. The American sugar farmers knew if the islands were to be annexed by the United States, then the tariff would be no longer needed. Queen Liliuokalani tried to rebuild the monarchy and was against the annexation with the United States. Many of the local sugar farmers were plotting a revolt to defeat the Queen because of her opposition to the annexation.American troops invaded the island without the consent from the President of the United States. The troops overthrew the Queen in a bloodless battle on January 17, 1893 and raised the American flag to lay claim of their new proclaimed territory [2]. After being overthrown by the American troops the annexation committee decided to proclaim themselves the Provisional Government. The Senate did not get a chance to ratify the treaty of annexation before the new President, Grover Cleveland withdrew the treaty.President Cleveland felt the United States acted inappropriately by ordering the overthrowing of the Hawaiian monarch and quickly withdrew the annexation treaty. Queen Liliuokalani resumed her authority as queen and leader, but the newly appointed President of the Provisional Government, Sanford Dole, was not so willing to submit his power back to the Queen. Many of the natives were not happy with the new government and began to form rallies to protest. Two groups were formed to try and prevent the annexation of Hawaii.The two groups were Hui Hawaii Aloha Aina (this was the female group) and the other group was Hui Hawaii Aloha Aina o Na Wahine (this was the male group). The groups fought to try and prevent the takeover, but were not successful. The leaders of the rebellion along with the Queen were put in prison. The Queen was imprisoned because she failed to stop the fight. In 1897 the new President of the United States, William McKinley, was inaugurated. President McKinley was in favor of the annexation. McKinley along with three representatives of the government of the Republic of Hawaii signed a treaty to annex Hawaii.Once the treaty was signed, it was then passed on to the Senate for ratification. Once again this provoked the two protest groups, who then decided to organize a mass petition drive. The groups hoped to accomplish showing the American government that the majority of the Hawaiian natives wanted the annexation to be stopped. The groups gathered 21,269 signatures to oppose the petition [2]. Four delegates along with Liliuokalani met with Senator George Hoar to present the petition for the Senator to read to the Senate.The petition w as formally accepted and the treaty was turned down by the Senate. Not long after Senate opposed the annexation treaty was the subject brought up again. A United Statesââ¬â¢ battleship was blown up in the Havana Harbor. The Hawaiian Islands became a key place for the refueling of the naval ships during the Spanish-American War. The Congressmen who were for the annexation of Hawaii submitted a proposal to annex the islands by joint resolution, which required only a simple majority, vote in both houses.The ââ¬Å"Newlands Resolutionâ⬠passed Congress and President McKinley signed the document on July 7, 1898. After being, annexed Hawaii remained a United States territory and then in 1959 became the fiftieth state. Bibliography 1. Schamel, Wynell and Charles E. Schamel. ââ¬Å"The 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawaii. â⬠à Social Education63, 7 (November/December 1999): 402-408. 2. ushistory. org. ââ¬Å"Hawaiian Annexationâ⬠. U. S. History Online Textbook. Accessed March 19, 2013. http://www. ushistory. org/us/44b. asp.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Viva Italia! essays
Viva Italia! essays The only directions to my Great Uncles restaurant rested on a yellowed old postcard that my Nonno gave to me right before he died. He had drawn with his fragile, shaky hand, a little map of the lake from his memory of where my Nonna was born. His map took me to the waterfront of Lago Di Garda, Northern Italia. The town was called Castelletto. After making it this far and alone, I was exhausted but extremely excited. I was determined to find the restaurant, so I kept my eyes peeled like lemons. As I walked, I reflected back to the reasons that brought me there. So here is the way my story goes... Italy had always been a dream of mine and now I was actually there, but most intense, was my great need to touch base with my ancestors. My Nonna died before I was able to meet her and I felt as though this was the perfect opportunity to connect with my family roots. I had awoken to a beautiful sunrise out of my hotel balcony. The rays filled my room with an illuminating glow and the fresh morning air made me rise out of bed with no hesitation. I had an eager, adventurous feeling inside me and I was ready to start my long days journey that I had on my agenda. I quickly got ready, grabbed a bite to go, and started walking to the bus station that was located about two miles from my hotel. When I arrived, the woman handed me my ticket after I paid my dues, I said Grazie! and she sent me off with a polite Bon giorno. Not much later when the bus pulled up, I got on and was greeted kindly with a Come sta? from the petite, sweet-faced old man behind the wheel. I responded with Bene, e tu? Our conversation ended quickly when he ripped my ticket stub; I then headed to the back of the bus and sat in the squeaky seat. The bus made a big jolt and started to move, I fell into an automatic relaxation period as I watched the tantalizing scenery roll by. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Doctorow, Atwood And Tan
than of actions. He is hardly the stoic, decisive western hero of John Wayne movies. Initially, when resurrecting the town of Hard Times, Blue does not found it on wholesome American values of honesty and fair-dealing, but on greed and conniving. The town has no church and no jail and essentially no foundation of morality. Both the characters of Zar and Isaac are duped into staying by promises of wealth. Zar is concerned primarily with making money from his bar and prostitutes. Isaac, though more scrupulous than Zar, is concerned with profit. Their hopes are founded on the false belief that the town will expand because of a rumored mill to come to their territory. This belief, like the American dream itself, is an illusion. Inevitably they end up with all the trappings of civilization without a functional community. There is much talk of illusion in the novel. Blue is constantly frustrated by his inability to capture the truth in his ledgers. At one point, he states that itââ¬â¢s okay sometimes for a person to fool t... Free Essays on Doctorow, Atwood And Tan Free Essays on Doctorow, Atwood And Tan Brian Ricketts Doctorowââ¬â¢s novel, Welcome to Hard Times is an anti-western novel. Doctorow attempts to debunk the western myth of the American dream. The essential theme in the novel is that the west fails to live up to the hope that civilization can conquer evil. In this way, it was first seen as an un-American story without any real heroes. What it really is, is a different type of historical novel, one that does not concern itself without exact historical accuracy but rather with fictional truth in which the frontier is not a land of endless potential but one vulnerable to human corruption and evil. The characters are not typical western stereotypes. Blue is somewhat cowardly, first hiding behind Molly, and failing miserably once he confronts the Bad Man from Bodie. Though he has a talent for bringing people together (usually by conning them in some way), he is more a man of words than of actions. He is hardly the stoic, decisive western hero of John Wayne movies. Initially, when resurrecting the town of Hard Times, Blue does not found it on wholesome American values of honesty and fair-dealing, but on greed and conniving. The town has no church and no jail and essentially no foundation of morality. Both the characters of Zar and Isaac are duped into staying by promises of wealth. Zar is concerned primarily with making money from his bar and prostitutes. Isaac, though more scrupulous than Zar, is concerned with profit. Their hopes are founded on the false belief that the town will expand because of a rumored mill to come to their territory. This belief, like the American dream itself, is an illusion. Inevitably they end up with all the trappings of civilization without a functional community. There is much talk of illusion in the novel. Blue is constantly frustrated by his inability to capture the truth in his ledgers. At one point, he states that itââ¬â¢s okay sometimes for a person to fool t...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Personality Commonalities Among Adolescent Suicide Essay
Personality Commonalities Among Adolescent Suicide - Essay Example In a research article written by Fleischmann, Bertolote, Belfer & Beautrais, 2005 they reexamined past research that showed the presence and distribution of mental disorders in cases of completed suicide among young people worldwide. A second research study was investigated that performed longitudinal studies to see if traits in adolescents and adults were similar to one another pertaining to suicidal behavior. The research was completed in a five-year span. In the research study performed by Goldston, A third research study by Douglas, Belfrage, Edens, Herbozo & Poythres (2006) was completed to investigate if specific behavioral aspects of psychopath, such as interpersonal-affective, manipulative ness and lack of remorse, are related to suicidal behavior. Adolescent Suicide has been an increasing health problem throughout the world. In many countries, suicide rates have been gradually increasing. Since the 1950s, adolescent suicide has tripled. Multiple factors seem to be related to self-harm in adolescents. Some examples include depression, hopelessness, psychological pain, aggression, and anxiety. In this paper, the task of finding common personality traits is investigated. It is hypothesized that there are certain personality characteristics in adolescents that are contributing factors when the adolescents attempt to self-harm or commit suicide. This document is a description of three research studies attempt to illustrate and support this hypothesis. In a research article written by Fleischmann, Bertolote, Belfer & Beautrais, 2005 they reexamined past research that showed the presence and distribution of mental disorders in cases of completed suicide among young people worldwide. A second research study was investigated
Friday, November 1, 2019
Australian Marketing and Advertising Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Australian Marketing and Advertising Law - Essay Example At times, however, the innovation might be jeopardized because of marketing. For instance, the most popular brand name Coca-Cola was subject to serious criticism from public and competitors when it was found to have traces of coca leaves that are dangerous to health. The Coca-Cola Companyââ¬â¢s lawyers contested the claim and argued that cola is a special herb that improves health and the concentration of coca leaves in the beverage is not harmful for health. At this point, the competitors argued that the brand name Coca-Cola is deceptive in its nature as it does not really include anything that its name suggests (Solar Navigator). The marketers have to be aware of the importance of trademark laws to ensure that they do not violate any of these laws. Likewise, the Coca-Cola formula is a secretive recipe that is unknown to the world though it exists almost 100 years. The recipe is protected under Trade Secrets law. For marketers, it is important to understand the intellectual prope rty rights associated with the innovation of a company. The intellectual property rights comprise of trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, etc. These rights are categorized according to their scope, subject matter that is protected, disclosure conditions for the grant of protection and duration of applicability of these rights. For instance, a patent is granted for innovations that are novel, involves an inventive step and has industrial application. Such a patent is to be valid for a period of 20 years and is granted upon the mandatory condition according to which the inventor completely discloses the invention to the public. Likewise, the copyright is granted for literary, artistic, cinematographic and record works for 100 years minimum. The trademark protects a mark, brand name, company name, logo, smell and sound that distinguish one product from the other. Its duration does not exceed 10 years and is renewable for 5 years if the business is interested in protecting th e mark. The trade secrets is a protection for the subject matters that are not covered by any of the intellectual property rights, require unlimited protection or are of such a nature that a disclosure to the public might result in substantial loss for the owner. The trade secrets are a special protection that is recognized by the World Trade Organizationââ¬â¢s Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement. It has not been defined in a definite manner. The trade secrets are those secrets which attach considerable value to its owner, are of benefit to the competitors and can literally tarnish the image of the owner. They have a lifetime of protection unless not disclosed to public or stolen. The trade secret that is once leaked loses its secrecy. However, the owner of the trade secret can take action against such disclosure or theft if it is possible to prove that the trade secret was carefully locked in a secretive place, substantial measures were taken to keep the trade secret, the employees were not aware of the secret information, the top level employees, financial advisors, consultants, and any third parties, who were directly or indirectly involved with the trade secret, signed the Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA). The court upon sufficient proof of the measures and value attached to the trade secret can order injunction that bars the thieves or the violators of NDAs from
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